Friday 10 January 2014

Christmas Project

Christmas Project brief with the theme of "Christmas Shopping."

While doing my experiments I realised I didn't have enough drawn information for scenes and the ones I did have, since they were large drawing they took more time to complete. With my figure I had the intention of capturing gesture, expression and movement, which I feel I accomplished.

Experiment Sketches

Really rough sketches at the Shungo Exhibition at the British Museum in London with my sister, trying to capture the use of line and drawing the images that I personally liked. 

At the airport to go home to Cayman for the Christmas.

Continuing the Christmas Project brief at home with the theme of at te beach. Observational drawing of figures in action and developing figure drawings. What I would improve on is capturing figures moving  using various mark making, drew more scene sketches to improve my experiment sketches.

Experiment Sketches
looking at composition and capturing the theme.

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