Monday 21 October 2013

Advanced drawing Anatomy: Knees, movement and the walk cycle

September 24, 2013

First Session of Advance drawing Module

First started with studies of the knees to see how the muscles and knee caps change through movement. For this I used both a regular graphite pencil and graphite watercolour for easy and fluidness for capturing all the elements.    

Then watching two different walking sequence video, I used charcoal to give the sense of motion through each movement playing close attention to the the legs, knees and ankles.

After studying with the video of motion sequences, I went into the town centre and did quick observational sketches of people walking using both watercolour and graphite pencil. As I sketched I was studying the way each person had a different walk and wondered what could be the cause, whether it was if they were holding something, their shoes, attitude or age.

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