Saturday 29 March 2014

Figure expressions and character making

This week I gave myself the brief to record figures socialising and eating, and also facial expressions, as I wanted refine my figure drawings. During the week I went into town and different restaurants to collect these sketches. For the facial expressions I had my friend, who is doing an acting course, model for me different emotions that she was practicing for her course.

From these drawings I knew I wanted to experiment with them but I wasn't sure how, until I saw what my other classmates had to do for their self-publishing brief, whereby they took vintage monsters, form of outsiders, and had to depicted them in a playful and light-hearted manner. I saw that this was a great way to not only experiment with my sketches but also to create my own spin on a character that is usually perceived as scary. I took the werewolf archetype, and created Kaita, a playful, optimistic, boy who loves to eat tasty foods and hates brussel sprouts.     


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